10 Beer Inspired Tattoos for the Craft Beer Lover

a culture post by Jenni B.

One thing that always pairs well with craft beer is tattoos. Check out these 10 beer inspired tat ideas for your next inking.

1. This Homebrew Celebration


For those who like to brew it themselves.

2. A Sailor Jerry Styled Surprise


As we say in West Texas, “Whale, you wanna coldbeer?” (Translation: Well, would you like something to drink?)

3. For the Chemically Well Balanced


A deconstructed breakdown of your favorite thing!

4. Simple, Yet Elegant

simple beer mug

Cut straight to the point with this simple beer mug.

5. This Sexy Play on Words


Good for when you’re punk in drublic.

6. This Lovely Tribute to Hops


A great floral arrangement for IPA lovers.

7. For the Drunken Sailor in All of Us


To commemorate your next booze cruise perhaps?

8. This Secret Recipe


Like tattooing a cheat sheet to your arm!

9. Hops of the American Traditional Variety

traditional hops

Hoppy beer, hoppy life.

10. For Those Who Want to Keep it Real


Lest ye ever forget!


Got a beer tattoo of your own? Send it to us with a brief description/reason behind it and we’ll feature you on our blog!


*cover photo credit: h-o-r-n-g-r-y.tubmlr.com